Sunday, August 7, 2011

Daughters roommate moved out and left daughter without paying her part on rent/electricity/water?

they moved in and it was a fight from the start every time a bill came due. The roommate never had the money. This was always what she would say and then go spend spend spend on clothes and out to dinner. She became mean and told lies to others about my daughter to make herself look good. after 3 months she moved out without daughter knowing she was, leaving her with all the rent/electricity and water bills plus took all kinds of stuff that didn't belong to her like DVD payer, dining table. wal stuff. She also destroyed the apt doing it. pictures torn apart and thrown around, rooms trashed, walls have huge holes where she pulled things off. but to make matters worse, she is now harassing my daughter along with one of her friends. Trashing my daughters name on facebook and texts. This girl has lied so much to try and hide what she has done. She says she will pay nothing and her and her friend says such ugly things about my daughter. My question is in alabama can this be cause for harassment charges. I asked her and her friend to stop and act mature and they started on me also. I don;t think they will stop with out being made to do top the cake..This roommate works with my daughter also and has said terrible things about daughter to other workers and the workers have come to my daughter and told her about them. This bussiness is a headstart and roommate has messaged through facebook also to a parent of a child there and told her bad lies about daughter. The boss was told and did nothing about it. This has to stop..Any advise. Daughter is so stressed out and working 2 jobs day and night now to pay her rent and elect so that she will not be evicted.

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