Thursday, August 11, 2011


Ok, so I have been with my boyfriend for about 5 years. We met in Ohio and after about a year or dating he moved in with me. He has a 4 year old son with someone else. We lived together for a year and then split up and he stayed in Ohio and I moved back to New York. We decided to get back together and chose to move to Atlanta. I worked mad overtime to get us an apartment in Atlanta and brought him down and we were there 6 months before he started galavanting off to California to try and get some contacts...he is an aspiring music producer....and he had a friend already living there. He would go, stay two weeks and come back. This went on for about 2 months before I had a breakdown and ended up in the hospital. I lost my job once I got out of the hospital, and his friend offered to put us up out in California until we could get on our feet. So I chose to come out to job waiting, no prospects, didn't know anyone. I went out on a leap of faith and ended up in California. His friend was a newleywed of all things and they had a one bedroom apartment which the 4 of us shared for about 6 months before things got really weird. They kicked us out because they said the landlord was threatening to evict them because there were too many people living in the apartment. Ok, understandable, but neither of us had jobs (my father was sending money and I was giving it to them to help out with the bills while we looked for jobs) and so now we were homeless...We slept under bridges together and slummed until finally we had to go to a shelter. While at the shelter, I was informed that I was approved for unemployment, so me and him stayed in a motel while we looked for work. I saved enough and bought him a car, and bought myself a car as well. He found work as a car sales man and I got temp work. We got into an apartment, on the money that I saved. So lets recap...I have been homeless with him, bought a car for him, put him up in two apartments so far, and now he has lost his job. There is no money coming in and I have landed my dream job. I bought a new car and am about to get myself out of the debt hole, but he is not bringing in any money and he just got approved for unemployment. I am just tired of carrying him. I want to leave him, but do not want to kick a man while he is down? The lease is in both of our names, and at this point, I just want to move out and get another apartment and move on with my life. It just seems like his head is in the clouds and not here on earth where I need him to be to help me. Any suggesstions? Thanks for reading..I know it is long winded....

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