Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Evolutionists: what did the very FIRST living organism evolve from?

An evolutionist will evade the question by saying that the theory of evolution only explains how life turned into different kinds of life, not where it came from. However, this is simply a way to try and make the theory viable. In reality, evolution is useless if there is no method for the spontaneous formation of life from non-life. This is called abiogenesis. This has no evidence whatsoever. Some people will try to use an experiment that involved RNA arising by natural processes as evidence, but RNA itself does not make life, as it cannot reproduce without cellular machinery, cannot interact with its surroundings, and cannot use energy from its surroundings to sustain itself. Others will use the Miller-Urey experiment as evidence, but it also proves nothing. It only created stage two organic compounds, and nothing anyone tried ever caused it to advance to stage three, much less stage four (which is life).The fact is the biogenesis has abundant evidence, but abiogenesis does not. Thus, it is intellectual suicide to assert abiogenesis.

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