Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Can i get emancipated at 15?

without parents consent.. in utah it says the law is 16 but im only 15. I cant live with either of my parents anymore, I live with my mom and shes a ***** to everyone and will never change, she tries to kill herself several times a year(theres a lot of worse things that she does but im not saying my life story ha), and on top of that shes getting evicted on monday.. and my dad wont let me live with him because my stepmom doesnt want me to. my boyfriend and his parents said I could stay there until i graduate, ill be graduating next may and I turn 16 next april. I cant go stay with them without being emancipated. I know my mom wont let me so do I have to have her consent, and im not sure if my dad even has legal rights to say if I can or not. thanks in advance. :) & please dont tell me not to do this. im sure of what I want.

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