Saturday, August 6, 2011

My dog is acting weird?

My Aunt and Uncle were over and we like to do evps, and take pictures looking for orbs, you know, ghost hunting things. Anyways we do them in my house, and my dog is always here with us. He never barks at anything, just lays down and goes to sleep when we do this. One night were were communicating with someone and there was a big bang behind the couch. My dog jumped off the couch because it scared him, but he was fine after that. But now, ever since that night he's been acting strange. He stares at me, and he even gets mad at me, like a little person. Like he knows what I'm saying and stuff, I guess he's always been like that. Yesterday I was being funny and called him a douche bag and he kept barking at me until I said sorry. I thought it was interesting. He whimpers often, and seems to be trying to look for things that aren't there, barking at inanimate objects and what not. He's never done that. He also sleeps a lot more now, and even lays on the floor sometimes. He has never, ever done laid on the floor like that. I don't know what to think. I'm at home a lot more now, we haven't gotten any more evps, or orbs since I kinda cast out the spirits after that big bang incident. My dog is just weird now. It comes and goes you know? It could be something else, like he's just more lazy since I'm a stay at home student now. Idk. Can you give me some explanations? Paranormal and non-paranormal?

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