Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Does this sound like good creative writing?

Jeremy was walking down the busy three o’clock high school hallway, his rugged partially unzipped backpack lazily strung over one shoulder. His mind quickly realized that his shorts felt lighter and emptier than they should have been. Momentarily pausing, Jeremy’s hands flitted into his pockets, while his hand slid through his shaggy black hair in momentary annoyance. The cellphone he normally kept in his pocket was not there. He pivoted on his foot and headed back towards the last classroom that he was in. Reaching the door that was labeled “Art Classroom Three” Do not mistake Jeremy for an artsy sort of guy. His only reason for being in that room was for filling one of his requirements before he graduates next year. Pushing the door slightly, it swung quietly open. Jeremy slipped through the opened door as silently as possible, hoping not to alert any nearby art teachers to his presence. The cellphone sat innocently on a nearby stool. Scanning the room for any obstacle, whether alive and walking or an inanimate object, he notices a girl that was vaguely familiar sitting at an easel, her tall, thin body blocking his view of the easel. She was the type who was quiet and tends to spend more time to herself, although there were a few people who were close friends with her. Walking quietly, not to disturb her, he walked to the stool and snatched up his phone. Looking back over his shoulder he noticed for the first time what she was painting. Mesmerized he stared into fledgling image. It was a man’s face slightly distorted looking into the distance. Watching, hypnotized, he noticed her hands making long assertive strokes of bright bold colors, giving the man’s face an abstract feel. Intermixed into the bright colors, were thin nervous strokes of dark, deep colors peering through the brighter ones. To him this image resembled himself. Lost in thought he pulled out the stool sitting down it, completely intending on continuing to watch her, when the sudden noise of the stool startled her. Turning around she pulled her long brown hair out of her face, letting him stare into her stormy eyes.

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